適用范圍: 倉庫、碼頭、廠房、停車場、車庫、貨倉式商場等地面。
性能特點: 1.具有很高的耐磨性 2.減少灰塵 3.耐沖擊 4.施工方便,易維護 FEATURE 1.Superior abrasion-resistance; 2.Dust-proof; 3.Impact resistance; 4.Very easy to apply and maintain. 使用年限: 與混凝土地面同步 SERVICE LIFE As long as the concrete. | | 施工工藝: 1.在找平層整平未干時,將骨料均勻地撒布在找平層上; 2.地面磨平 3.在適當的位置鋸開混凝土,做伸縮縫,并添滿所需填縫料; 4.養護硬化地面. PROCESSING 1.Before the flattened layer is dry,spread the aggregate agent evenly; 2.Leveling ground; 3.Saw the cement at proper place into a fissure and fill it up with fillers; 4.Maintaining the hardened ground. |